Understanding the useradd Command

Basic Usage of useradd

The useradd command is used to create a new user account on a Linux system. It is typically run with superuser privileges and allows administrators to specify various options to configure the new user's account settings.


Common Options for useradd

The useradd command supports a variety of options:

Examples of useradd Command

Create a New User

sudo useradd newuser

This command creates a new user named newuser with default settings.

Create a User with a Home Directory

sudo useradd -m newuser

This command creates a new user newuser and also creates a home directory at /home/newuser.

Create a User with a Specific Shell

sudo useradd -s /bin/zsh newuser

This command creates a new user newuser with the Zsh shell as the login shell.

Create a User and Assign to a Group

sudo useradd -g developers newuser

This command creates newuser and assigns them to the developers primary group.

Create a User with an Expiration Date

sudo useradd -e 2025-12-31 newuser

This command creates newuser and sets their account to expire on December 31, 2025.

Understanding User Creation Process

When a user is created using the useradd command:

Summary of Options

Option Description
-d, --home Specify the home directory for the new user. Default is /home/USERNAME.
-m, --create-home Create the user's home directory if it does not exist.
-s, --shell Specify the user's login shell. Default is usually /bin/bash.
-G, --groups Specify a comma-separated list of supplementary groups for the user.
-u, --uid Specify a numerical user ID for the new user.
-g, --gid Specify the primary group for the new user.
-p, --password Set the user's password (encrypted).
-e, --expiredate Set an expiration date for the user's account.
-f, --inactive Set the number of days after a password expires until the account is disabled.
-r, --system Create a system account.
-h, --help Display help information and exit.